This site is called PetThoughts. As I have said, it's a Pet lovers' community. Everything you need to know about your pet, you get it here. It's new but it's fast becoming popular. You can see that.
You can expect almost everything in this site. You get Blogs and wonderful articles on "Pet Health" and many other topics like the "Changes In your Aging Dog" and many more. The site has a very active discussion forum for all the pet lovers where you can share and discuss your experiences with your pets. The list don't just end here, you also get a wonderful Pet's Gallery where you can share your pet's photos with your pals worldwide. And not to forget about the “Fun Stuff” this site has, a lot of funny pet videos. I say this, you gonna love this site and the Community.
So just stop reading this and join the Pet Lovers' Community now. You will simply get a lovely experience there.
by vioB